Séminaires scientifiques Robert Debré

Séminaires scientifiques Robert Debré

Jeudi 27 Mai 2021, 11h00

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https://uparis.zoom.us/j/84130840167?pwd=VnluN3JYUE5UNGw4 WDU3Z0RQck9EUT09


CEA, Fontenay aux Roses Anti-viral Immunity: Combinatorial Immune-modulatory Strategies To Boost T-cell Responses

Dr Seddiki is a Senior Scientist at IDMIT, CEA. She has made major contributions to the molecular/cellular and infectious diseases field especially HIV, unravelling novel ways to accurately study T-cell immunity. She recently joined IDMIT-CEA (Fontenay aux roses), to develop a «pediatric immunology & infectious diseases program» using the NHP model. Before that she was a Senior Scientist at the National Centre for HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research (University of NSW, Australia) for 10 years, before joining the Vaccine Research Institute (Hopital Henri-Mondor, Créteil) end of 2010, where she developed several projects on the role of T-cell in HIV immunity.

Host : Mireille LAFORGE